The day started out with great promise.  As usual, we were running a little bit behind the scheduled time to leave but we had big plans and kept on keeping on.  By the time we were off to our intended destination….it was too late!

It's never a good idea to plan complicated activities on a holiday day.  The stress that comes from trying to do too many things in a short amount of time can be a peace breaker!  Mix in heavy traffic, crowds & a few misunderstandings and you'll find yourself in a full-blown breakdown.  Or at least ME anyway!

I'm not a "depressed" person medically or by nature but something happened to me recently and it wasn't a visit from Publisher's Clearing House.  I didn't wake up unhappy or blue, it wasn't a case of the P M S and I didn't feel angry towards anyone.  But, I felt awful!

Could it be the Christmas blues?

If so, is there somewhere to give that gift back?  It's no fun!  All I felt like doing was going to bed and crying.  Talk about a bummer!  The worst part?  Not being able to just snap out of it.  Really.  

While I was deep in "the hole"  I thought about my childhood memories of crazy moments in my family.  Specifically, when someone would wig out!  I understand how frustrated my Aunt Nadine must have been feeling when she opened the back door and tossed out a cake that went wrong.  Or how snide comments or misspoken words turned up the anger between family members causing a fight that ruined the holiday.  It's so easy to allow our emotions to get the best of us and then reveal our worst.

I'm really no different than anyone else.  I hear a comment that wasn't meant harshly and feel hurt.  I find a mistake (possibly a stain on a new shirt or jacket) and I suddenly feel OCD stressed, time runs out on an important endeavor and I freak.  I come UNGLUED when I least expect it.

Darn you, blasted hypothalamus!

When stress & emotions threaten to steal your joy — scripture can lighten your heart.  Try these if you've ever felt like me and needed God to put you back on track.  

… take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Cor. 10:5

… whatever is true whatever is lovely, think about such things.  Phil. 4:8

… set your heart on things above, set your minds of things above.  Col. 3:1-2


Help me keep my focus on You.  Give me peace when my mind threatens to wander from anything that doesn't come from you.  Fill me with joy when my emotions get the best of me.  And set me straight when I'm off track, please.


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