Glory In The Morning

I am not a morning person! I wish so badly that I was, but I’m not! It’s not that I like to sleep all day. I just need to sleep past 7:50am. Then, I’m ready! Bring it on! Now that the beloved school year has begun, it’s back to that “get up in the mornin” schedule again. It is painful for me! I just want to put my head under the covers and hide. My whole family wishes to sleep in. We are hilarious in the morning. So far, we haven’t had any before school wars….but come winter…it will get hairy around the Gway house. Too many activities and late nights filled with homework deadlines will put even the most godly in stress mode. We sin! Don’t judge us!

This morning was one of those hard to get me going days. When I woke up I could hear Ms. Gates in the bathroom singing away (she’s semi able to function in the am). She had gotten up early to get ready for a special breakfast for the youth at church. Gavin was pecking away on the computer working on a 500 word essay about himself for his ACP English class (he was too tired to do it the night before) and it was already past due. When he sees me…..his stomach reminds him…my mama can coooooooook! Mom, I am so hungry….feed me! I stagger to the stove and create a grits and eggs masterpiece for sweetboy all while calling to Ally to GET UP! She is the one…..who really cannot get moving in the morning. She is a nightowl…..and can sleep ALL day! We have to get creative to get her up and going every morning. She finally hopped up and hit the shower.

Don comes up the stairs to tell me we sprung a leak, again! Our refridgerator line sprung some sort of leak and was spraying all over my car downstairs in our garage when he woke up this morning. This is two times in the same month. He had to cut off the whole line until he could replace it. Which meant I could not get to my filtered water. Of course, my body immediately began to thirst for that water. I’m crazy like that. It was just one of those harried, run-around mornings with little things trying to ruin the whole day. We were running just a few minutes late when I went to pull out of my garage. I had to stop to wait for Ally to come down when I turned to look across my yard. The sun was shining through the many trees and it just looked so glorious! I felt complete peace… much so….I just stopped and stared at the beauty in my woods. I felt relaxed and still.
I grabbed my camera and tried to capture it……I wanted to remember it……to hang onto it. It was really glory in the morning (if there ever was such a thing!). Thank you God! I was blessed by your beauty shining just for me this morning.

I hope He shows you something too when you least expect it.

Ps. 8:1 “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.”

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