Tonight I’ve been out surfing. I hope I’m not the only weirdo out there doing it. It’s this whole blog craziness… hop on one blog…and boom it leads you to another then another…and it just goes on and on! I cannot believe all the wonderful bloggy women out there. They are amazing! I could read them forever.
I noticed something familiar with each blog I clicked on…..passion! Each woman represented her own passion in some way or another. Some are fantastic Bible study leaders, some SAHM’s, other’s WAHM’s,…..many were caught up in their crafting or selling….everyone of them were passionate about their “thang”! I really loved it.
I want whoever clicks on my blog to know I’m passionate too. I’m passionate about my life. I love my Lord with my whole heart. I am His servant and thankful to be so. My heart wants to please Him with my life, my words, my actions. But there are times…..when I fail. I speak out of turn or yell at my kids…..heck….I may even hurt someone with my actions. That’s not my heart intention….I really do want to please God in all ways.
It’s important for us to be passionate followers of Christ. I can’t help but think of that verse, “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. (Rev. 3:16) I get the feeling that God likes passion too. His description fits many of us on any given day. Just so-so…not hot….not cold….so-so! Not a good way to be. So, what can I say…..that will show other’s my passion? I’ll be working on that.
If you are just sitting around with tons of time on your hands and would like a little reading to do…..Here’s the front door into some of the most incredible bloggy people out there.