Ummm! Huh? What? I’m Lynnette’s feature blog today? Are you serious? I was so totally unprepared! Lesson learned, ya’ll! Don’t sit on the couch after a long day of school and choir shows watching tv (something I rarely ever do!). The one night I’m not tapping around on my computer….something cool happens to me. 🙂
Well, I am completely thrilled to be the featured blog today! It is my honor to welcome the sweet readers who love Lynnette and her blog like I do. She has inspired me…..encouraged me…..and helped me put my troubles into perspective just by being herself. Thanks, Lynnette!
I hope you find something of interest on my little piece of the blogosphere. I’m just a simple lady. I love Jesus, my family and my life. I blog because I’m a pretend author. I have big dreams of “really” writing stuff down……as in books, someday. I have a passion for women and teens. I love teaching, singing, shopping, cooking and spending quality time with my family. That’s the stuff that keeps me going!
Come back and see me. I love having visitor’s! You guys understand when I say….blogging is incredibly fun! I love reading other blogs and meeting such amazing people. God has blessed me through complete strangers. Isn’t that just awesome? I hope you’re blessed by something you find here.
Have a super weekend, ya’ll!
Oh and Lynnette…..thank you precious lady! I do love your blog and your wise words. I also love Lisa Leonard’s goodies! Great prize! 🙂