It seems like all I do these days is wait. Don’t get me wrong…..I like sitting still. But waiting for something has a whole different feel than sitting idle. What am I waiting for? Here’s a sample…
I wait…
—in the car. Teenagers tend to drag around in the mornings.
—at the doctor. Everybody knows don’t be in a hurry there.
—in line at the store. I always pick the slow line. Hmmm..
—to get in the bathroom. I live with 2 teenage girls with lots of hair.
—for the laundry to be finished. Don’t ya just love laundry? Me too.
—for hubby to get home. He works hard! Then comes home to (needy people).
—for the bell to ring. Can you tell I work at a high school? 🙂
—for payday! I love seeing that automatic deposit, money rocks!
—the weekends Sweetboy comes home. I miss him.
We’re all waiting for things. Ally is patiently waiting for a car. Gavin is waiting on a job. Gates is waiting for her birthday in November. It’s part of life. Being patient while doing it is challenging. I’m learning (yes, at my ripe old age) to just let God work. I need to move out of His way and trust Him to do what He’s promised. What about you? Are you waiting for something?
“The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him!” Lam. 3:24
I love knowing that you are all that I need. My brain thinks it knows what is best….but your word tells me otherwise. You are all I need to focus on. Everything else will fall into place. I trust you…..with the things I wait on in life and in the lives of those I love. You have a masterplan….help me to get out of your way!