Sadie Marie Morgan 11-13-10

It’s times like these that make living so far away from family tough. Today marks a special birthday for hubby’s grandmother. 99!! Mamaw has been around to see a lot of life. She’s lived it well, too. We like to tease her that she eats whatever she wants (that’s why she’s lived so long)…..and she does eat whatever she wants. Everything must accompany some jelly or buttermilk! Now that’s impressive!

Mamaw hasn’t wasted any time here on earth. She’s used her time very intentionally. She is an amazing Bible student. Her “lessons” have gone out all over this world. For years, Mamaw has written her own commentary to go along with her Sunday School lesson. If you were a relative or a friend… received it in the mail. Thank you Mamaw! Those are treasured resources that we will have forever.

I’m thankful for you, Mamaw! You have been a blessing in my life and in my family’s life. Thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter (my MIL) and for the investment you’ve made in my husband (your grandson). I’m a blessed lady because of the three generations that are a part of my life. I love you!

I hope today is a wonderful day…..spent with Krispy Kremes or cake or jelly. All of which I’m betting you will have. I just wish I was there to share the fun!


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