Some things just get me silly excited! Crazy things, really! Like every year….Focus on the Family has a Christmas contest giveaway. It’s an online game that you play along with to try to win cool prizes like an ipod! My family…really likes music and talk radio and preaching and podcasts….so a new fancy pants ipod would be so exciting!
However, this year….the FOTF website is a hot mess to navigate. I think I’m a little computer savvy when it comes to this sort of thing…but in this case, I’m not! Every single time I’ve gone online to enter I run into serious trouble. I can’t get anything to work on the contest page. It’s very complicated! I’ve actually only made it into a few of the contests. I end up leaving the site so frustrated! Total bummer! I want to win….but even more than that….I’d like a fighting chance to win and you can’t get that if you can’t get it to work!
I’m also registering over at Oprah for the 12 days of Christmas Give-O-way contest she has on her site. Yea….I know, GOOD LUCK! It’s still worth the try. It’s not like I’m gambling away my electric bill, right? It’s free. It’s fun! And who knows…maybe just maybe someone I know might be a winner!
Here are some other fun places to ENTER TO WIN great prizes! Have fun and good luck!
BigMama Hershey Giveaway $100 giftcard
Living Proof Ministries Fabulous K Giveaway
Kelly at Fabulous K GO SEE……lots of giveaway’s here! Love it!
Frugal Mommy The cutest little labels ever!
Deal Seeking Mom A cute wallet and more!
Frugal Mommy The cutest jewels!
The SITS girls This is the big kahoona! It’s a linky fantasy of prizes!
Enjoy! Remember, you can’t win…if you don’t try! 🙂
Tags: contests, enter to win, Focus on the Family, ipod, Oprah, prizes