Indiana is under attack! An ice attack! Over 10,885 Duke Energy customers are sitting without power right now. {I’m a Duke customer…but I still have power} Of course school was cancelled and most of everything else in the state of Indiana. Life as we know it has come to a screeching halt!
I hate ice!
Wherever you are….I pray you are safe & warm. Bad weather like this reminds me to STOP & SMELL THE ROSES. Nothing is more important than staying safe. No need to take unnecessary risks by driving on the icy roads.
I say all that and guess what?
Gates is about to leave for swim practice!!! SWIM PRACTICE!!! Oh the insanity! The roads are emergency traffic only and the swim team still has to report for PRACTICE??? Whaaaa? Something is wrong with this picture!
Reporting back to my window to watch the sleet fall.