Motivate Me

Last night, Hubby and I took a walk-run.  Both of us have fallen short when it comes to caring for our bodies.  Because we both like living and enjoying the people around us we decided to get serious about exercise.

By the time we reached the top of the first hill in our neighborhood….we came face to face with the cold hard facts–we’d NEED JESUS to keep going.  So, we used our time to pray and no, not for mercy.  😉

It was a great break from our normal routine.  I love anytime that I get to spend with my husband but I must say….exercising and praying together totally blessed me.

I feel it today.  But I’m not going to let that stop me from going out again tonight.  I realized that not only did my physical body need a boost, so did my spiritual and mental body.  I needed to talk out some frustrations and I needed to confess some shortcomings and sin. 

My body was aching…but my mind and spirit were soaring!

How can I stay motivated?  Oh, I know.  By thinking about my clothing mishap yesterday!   🙁


You are perfect.  I want to strive to be the best me.  I know I can’t do that without you!


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