Well, here I am at 2:09pm in the afternoon and I'm just sitting down to blog. The opportunity to have my car this morning opened me up to a change in my normal schedule (the one where I lounge around..reading, cleaning & talking to animals). I was at the grocery store by 9am. I thought doing it this way would be beneficial in many ways–A) I had on NO MAKEUP (who would see me?). B) I could beat the crowds (do you know how many old people shop early?). C) It wouldn't be so hot! (Uhh, yea right!). And D) I could get it over with and then enjoy the rest of my day.
I can't complain, it was a busy morning and I accomplished more than I normally do without a car. Plus, I made a good lunch for Gates today. Who doesn't love Sliders & a veggie tray? Nobody, that's who!
I can't think of ANYTHING I would want to hang out in this heat for right now. Not even floating in a pool. The weather is dangerously hot and the only sane activity to do is stay inside and keep cool. God bless anyone without A/C these days. There is not much chance of being comfortable without it. My hubby would say, "It's days like these that remind you–AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU'RE GOING TO HEAVEN?".
My family spent the 4th of July doing indoor activities–sleeping in, eating a leisurely breakfast/lunch…then heading out to a movie & dinner. All of it, in the cool of A/C! It was a great day and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say…the new Spiderman movie is officially my favorite one so far. Not kidding! I loved the new characters and the storyline was actually interesting!
To drive my LOVED THE MOVIE point on home….I have to admit, the movie choices were pretty lame. The big push for movies like —> Ted? Or Magic Mike? Had my family cracking up. Facebook was dripping with comments from every direction about the excitement for both of those movies. Really? I will never understand it.
Who are these people?
I can only speak for myself…but, I loved Spiderman and I wasn't even embarrassed by any sudden funky pelvic thrusts from the superhero Spidey. Thanks, Columbia Pictures! Families can still go to the movies and not have to scrub out their eyeballs & ears!
This is my only photo of the day. The heat was too much for the guys. One mentioned not 'getting sweaty' and the other was cranking the car. Happy Independence Day, y'all!