It's been a crazy week but I'm not going to complain because God has taken care of some seriously big deal stuff. When it rains it pours, of course. So, when your kid complains that she thinks she's GROWING ANOTHER TAIL….it's time to perk up and listen.
I don't want to say I didn't listen….because I heard her. I just didn't have a clue what in the world she was dealing with. All weekend she cried. I had to keep questioning her as to the extent of the pain. Like — Do I need to call an ambulance? Or — Is it just really uncomfortable? Help me here.
By Monday morning….there was no question as to what needed to be done. She needed a doctor and she needed it STAT! I took off work and headed over to see the Nurse Practitioner at our family physicians office. As soon as she saw her she said, "This is not good!". Then she left the room and grabbed the doctor who said pretty much the same thing along with … she might need to go to the hospital. I nearly cried!
It seems the poor kid had a very serious bacterial infection that was dangerously spreading and they didn't want it to get into the soft tissue. Instead of the hospital route they decided to combine some really strong antibiotics and hope that the area would begin to drain.
Within 7 hours of the doctor….the abscess began to drain and relief was almost instant. Completely different kid. No joke. She still couldn't sit down on her bottom but the whole area was on its way to healing!
By the next appointment on Wednesday she was so much better the doctor almost did a happy dance in the exam room. She admitted that she and the NP were so worried they didn't think the results would be so good.
Thankfully they caught it in time and the meds were powerful enough.
I thought all was right with the world and then I got a text from my son…
Mom, I'm sick. I can't stop throwing up!
Back to the doctor…
But hey, IT'S FRIDAY! Let's celebrate God getting us through a tough week and only 8 days left of school!