Insider Information


This happened at my house, finally!

It may not seem like a huge deal… But to me,  parking inside again is MONUMENTAL!   Thank you,  best husband ever.  He worked and worked to make this possible.  Even with a huge Texas trip looming over his head bright and early the next morning.


Cool huh?  Oh and make note: That HUGE car, barely fits.  Not sure my Suburban will ever go in there.  Is it weird that I dream of stuff like GIGANTIC GARAGES?  Or barns?


I've been stepping out for fresh frozen air with these two and I love how much fun it is for all 3 of us to get out of the house and walk like a boss.


The snow will not go away!  Notice it is still everywhere…


My yard… Is under there,  somewhere.  Gee whiz Indiana.  Come on, dude.


I keep thinking of how hot it will be this summer when we get out to work in our pretty yard!  I see potential because….duh, I'm an optimist.


Even the dogs are wondering when this stuff will go away.  Going potty is an art form when sniffing &  smelling is part of the procedure.  Dogs are smart.  They also can be persnickety!

So,  they do a lot of this…


Lazy girls!  I can't judge them.  I'm doing the same stuff.


This weekend may have been snowy but at least we had visitors.  Gates and her boyfriend Seth visited too.  Didn't get a picture of those cuties.  They had to drive home late Saturday night in a rotten snow storm.  It got a little sketchy there for a bit and they had to pull off at a gas station.  Luckily, they made it back home safely.


My sweetboy and I stopped by hubby's office.  We picked up dear old Dad for a great Five Guys lunch & Costco trip.  I'm so glad we did because "somebody" lost his glasses and since it's been a looooong time since he had an eye exam….the doctor had a cancellation right when we walked up and WOOHOO, "somebody" has a brand new prescription for NEW GLASSES!!

wpid-20140214_134006.jpgMy fave son and I snapped a selfie….cause we're shallow like that.  Too bad its a little fuzzy.


Peeking out… Watching more snow fall from inside the office.

And because we haven't had enough…..more snow is coming today. 

No big deal,  just 3 or so more inches with a nice slice of ice!  I think I'll just stay parked inside!  I CAN PARK INSIDE FOR REAL NOW, Y'ALL!!

Happy President's Day!

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