Many years ago, my hubby and I did an experiment together that really amped up our relationship. We created our own AFFIRMATION NOTEBOOKS. Every day, he would write 5 positives about me (that he loved or appreciated) and I would do the same in my notebook for him. Then, we’d leave our notebooks out for the other to find and read. Sound corny? Well, it is a little but I promise….the results are pretty revealing.
Relationships take a lot of work. So does life. If we’re not careful, the long days of managing kids and jobs can steer us off course. The passion or admiration we have for our spouse can get pushed aside. Many marriages are struggling along just going through the motions because neither person has the strength to do much else.
I get it, not everyone likes writing. The good thing about the notebook experiment was that it didn’t involve long hours of writing and proclamation of undying love. It could be short with just a few words or sentences….or it could be long and sappy. It was the personalized – just for you thought that made it something to treasure.
Today’s challenge: WRITE IT DOWN
I’ve listed some hints or ideas for you to use. Pick one or try a few. It’s up to you. Just make sure that you’re completely handing over your heart to the one you love. Then, sit back and savor the results.
Write a love letter.
The spiral book challenge. (that could be done by both or one of you)
Create a WHY I LOVE YOU statement.
Frame a poem (one you’ve written or not) that fits your love for him.
Text him 5 reasons you love him.
Need a few love note ideas? Go HERE
This post can also be used to show love to your kids, parents or best friend. It’s all about customizing!
Tags: affirmation notebook, gratitude list, poem, write a love note