What a perfect weekend! Seriously. It was the best! My hubby is the man! The man, of my dreams!
Mr. Never Says No…. managed to make me love my porch even more than I already did/do? whatever! I love my porch, then & now. It’s my favorite hangout! How else am I supposed to watch all the speeders with my old lady indignation and snarky comments? Why on the front porch, of course!
From the day we moved in….I’ve hated the porch light. It was pathetic! Every stop at the hardware store, I’d wander around for ridiculous amounts of time searching for “the one” light fixture that would be perfect for my porch. Time after time, hubby would say, “Just get one!” and I’d hesitate and squeal out of that section. Failure to launch! Totally.
This weekend, we had a big blow up of some sort with our hot-tub and internet power which caused THE MAN to have to rip out part of the garage to get to the electrical boxes on the wall. While he was there (after he fixed the problem) he got the clean-out crap fever and started purging (THANK YOU JESUS!!!) all the unnecessary junk hogging up space in our garage. I swear, I heard angels wings!
I noticed two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that I’d purchased forever ago (both from Goodwill – costing $3). I bought them with big dreams of doing “something” with them but never did. Then, it hit me! THE POOOOOOOOOOOORCH! I wondered what one of them would look like up in that hated spot! Hubby grabbed them down and did the step-stool hold up so I could look thing – and it was perfect!
A little black spray paint later and viola!
Just gaudy enough! I do like a little gaudy, not pink flamingos in my yard gaudy….just a bit edgy gaudy. Ok?
Back to my light dreams.
One thing (among many) that I love about my husband – HE DOES NOT GIVE UP! He will try and try whatever it is I ask of him.
It’s just the right size for my porch and better than any replicated store fixture out there. I’m different, why not let my house be the same. Right?
See? Perfect.
What else did he do to make my dreams come true? Well, he put on step-sides to my new car! When you’re a shorty, jumping up into a tall SUV is not easy. I couldn’t figure out why my buns were hurting until I realized I was climbing a mountain every time I got in my car.
I love them, babe!
Oh and we even had time to go on a fun bike ride this weekend.
Most of the trip was UPHILL! I even asked a lady standing in her yard if it was a pit-stop for CPR (her house was at the top of a hill) out in front of her house. She said, “No” to which I said, “Oh, okay…it’s just me!” No more donuts!!
How can the weekend get any better than all that you ask? Well, Tiffany (my hair girl – that I love so much) had her baby while I was in Texas (in April) and Saturday she brought him to the salon for me to take him home with me meet him.
Seriously. What is it with me? I WANT HIM!!!!
Look at him. Isn’t he perfect? Oh my word!
Tiffany says HE DOES NOT SMILE! Ever. Uhh, yea….I see that! HA!
Then, Elijah says….”Uhhh, lady! My Mama don’t lie!”
Oh my gosh! That stank-eye was perfect! He is precious and sweet. Every mama in the world needs a baby that good. He was the happiest little man and he made the funniest faces! I fell in love and I think I’ll start stalking him.
See, what a great weekend!
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