After 658 long, beat-the-bushes, cry in your beer (we don’t drink beer, but you get the point) and about 2400 resume changes along with hours spent filling out applications for jobs that force you to jump through a hundred ridiculous hoops and then never email or call you back to say, NO days….
My hubby has accepted a J O B !!!
By the time you read this post, we will have probably arrived in our new “home” town and we are flippin’ out!
Oh the places we’ve been the last few months since we left Indiana! We have pinched ourselves over & over from all the incredible jaw dropping moments. Oregon Coast? Hands down, my fantasy land! I don’t know why it affected me so deeply, it will stick with me forever! Love it. And, Washington is a wonderland itself. The USA is beautiful and I’ve seen firsthand the rolling fields, snow-capped mountains, deep whale infested waters, waterfalls, red canyons, stood on the top of mountains…animals of all kinds and eaten donuts in every state. My life is one to desire, honestly. I ain’t kidding!
We feel incredibly blessed, in spite of the rocky road we’ve traveled personally. Life is challenging, for everyone. I could probably write a novel of all the ups & downs but I’m really tired of being a dang Debbie downer! It is time to pick myself up and get back to being ME!
In all our miles and out of all the many states, we did not step one foot in this particular state during our travels. Not because we feel indifferent, but because we planned to enjoy it on our way back home….only God had other plans.
I mean, really crazy plans.
First, let me say….I am really missing my people back in Indiana (& Ally in Florida). I’ve wished I was home a million times to hug my kids, have a meal together and just be normal. That isn’t easy to do when you’re on the other side of the country. So, I stuck it out. Okay, maybe I’ve threatened a few times to arrange a flight home and never leave again. But that was just the mama in me talking. I MISS MY DANG KIDS!!!
I won’t miss the Indy traffic, well, maybe somedays.
I might need a bit more cold weather items, perhaps a 2nd pair of Sorel boots (huh, babe?). I’m so glad I bought a pair last year! Oh, and you betcha we’re going to add to our fishing equipment!
It was voted #10 in the best places to live in the USA! That’s gotta count for something, right?
Have you guessed yet?
It’s cold. It’s mountainous. It’s expansive & expensive! It’s far from Indiana, like 23 hours far. It’s full of stuff to do, places to see and I’m certain… GOOD PEOPLE!
I am so excited!
I bet you had it figured out, I just wanted to be dramatic. Thanks for hangin on!
It all began when my hubby saw a PART TIME job opening at a hospital in Bozeman, MT. He applied only because we were traveling and thought we could park our wagon there to do a p/t stint while still beating the jobhunt streets for a full-time real life j o b!
Then, they called. Called again. And then called several more times.
The funniest part? From the first call, the HR gal got acquainted with our situation and knew we were ON THE ROAD traveling. Every call, she would ask where we were. Never, not once did she say…I wish you were close-by so we could actually interview you in person. Each call, she was encouraging and made arrangements to skype talk or connect with other HR folks to talk with Don too.
It started to get annoying.
Weeks seemed to keep zipping by and no offer. We crossed them off the wish list. According to her, they wanted to hire by June. Yea, June was flying by too. We gave up. Done. Bye, Montana!
Friday the 29th will forever be etched into my brain because it was more like a Friday the 13th. Emotion over-load. Stress, frustration and defeat pounced like a roaring lion on both of us. We argued, blamed, threatened, planned to pack up and head home….and we cried.
I mean, seriously!!! How long can this craziness go on? What is the deal? Why is no one offering him a job? HE IS AWESOME!!! I’m not the only one who loves my husband! Really!
We scraped ourselves together and decided to get out and explore to drown our sorrows and to regroup. We were a m e s s! While I was locking the door, hubby came running over showing me a missed call on his phone. EYES BULGING!!!
We stood there stunned out of our minds at the timing. Then, ran inside and began praying! Minutes later, the call came again and the rest is history!
Or future. Cause, we’re moving y’all. Bozeman, Montana is our new town!
Not only is it a beautiful place, the job offer was primo and NOT part-time! So good, so exciting and so answered prayer. 2 long ugly years of praying! God provided a better job than he had before, higher pay and excellent benefits to boot. PLUS, WE WILL LIVE IN MONTANA! What?
I can’t wait to get this next chapter started!
You have remained steadfast, even when I whined & cried and lost all sense of faith. Thank you, for loving me anyway and for providing every single meal, bed to sleep on and people to love me. I want to be useful, no matter where I live and Montana will surely do.
Did y’all hear me? They hired my guy without ever having an in-person interview. For a management job? Come on, that’s Jesus at work!