It’s My Turn

Am I the only mama out there waiting her turn on the dang computer? My angels…..I say that with all the love in my heart. WANT THE COMPUTER!!!
That whole Facebook world is the devil, ya’ll! It’s got kids all over this ever-lovin country addicted. My very wonderful and precious teenagers HAVE to get on there to check and see if someone has left them a comment!

I just don’t get it! Can’t they see? I am busy with my BLOGGING????

I must say that my house has more than one computer. My husband has a couple to himself. He’s on one playing his little addiction out right now. Day of Defeat, Source! Sicko! I don’t know how to help him. He’s hooked! It’s like heroine! Pathetic!

The girls have the other laptop in the bedroom right now. Yes, you guessed it. On facebook! The devil! They can’t wait for me to get off. They must peruse each friends homepage until they have seen them all at least twice. I’m telling ya, it’s a habit I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. They are out of control! Pray for them, people!

Sweetboy has just come in and is nearly shaken to the core that all the computer’s are tied up. I tell him I’m almost finished…and he runs from room to room giving little shout-out hints that he’s not been on the computer ALL DAY! If ANYONE is bored with theirs……please let him know. He’ll gladly take it off their hands. See? See what I’m talking about? These people need rehab!

I’ve got to go. I just wanted to say how much I love it when it’s my turn. I could easily sit here myself for hours and read all your blogs. Funny ones, serious ones, sad ones…..all of them. Each one has something for me, something that touches me or moves me to be better. Thank you bloggy friends. You all inspire me! Oh…I guess…….I’m just a bloggy junky!
Who else tells their kids……”Move, it’s MY turn!”?

Me, gettin my blog on!

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