It’s My Birthday!

What is it about your birthday? You don’t want to brag about it and seem all fishy for “Happy Birthdays” from people. But you can’t just ignore it and act like it’s just another day. Cause it’s not! It’s your birthday! The day you were born! It’s significant in so many ways. If I wasn’t born think of all the things that wouldn’t be… marriage, my kids, my friendships, my wacky weirdness, my issues, my testimony…..and on it goes. None of that would be. So, thank you God for making ME!

Today has been a normal Sunday. After church, my entire household found some hole to crash in and slept the afternoon away. The week seems to catch up to us on Sunday and we literally R E S T !! My dear hubby and I went outside and did some rock removal work. We moved giant rocks from one location in our yard to another. Yesterday, he hung my swing up that has been in our barn for 7 years (waiting to be hung) and now I can sit out by the creek and enjoy the view. Happy Birthday to me!

It’s so much more special to me to receive a creative-thought-out gift than something mass made from the store. That’s not saying I wouldn’t love a kickin’ shopping spree….but these days….lack of positive cash flow nip that idea in the bud! Maybe when my kids are grown and gone. Or not! Until then, I’ll take the gift of working in my yard or building something that we’ve been wanting. Mostly, I’m thankful for another year….even if they seem to be coming faster and faster. I can’t believe I’m 42! Huh? How?

Way back when…..1970 (4)

Today….2008 (42)

Hosea 10:12 NIV
Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.

Go find your birthverse here: BirthVerse

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