Have you ever had a job you hated? I have. Every single day, I dreaded going in. I could find reason after reason for not being able to work. Who wants an employee like that? I would have to say nobody. Luckily for me, I have a job I really love. But lately I’ve been so tired that I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. Maybe it’s the weather changing or my getting older that’s the problem. Whatever it is…..I am pooped!
Tonight my brain is buzzing…..that’s how tired I am. I started thinking about Solomon. He was a wise dude. He had it all….there was nothing he was in want of. But he also felt unsatisfied at times. In Ecclesiastes, he lays it all out there. A time for this a time for that. Everything is meaningless, pleasures and wisdom. All that we do…..none of it can even come close to comparing with God.
All that we stress out about, every little worry. None of it matters. What does matter is that we live a life that is satisfying to Christ. All the hard work we toil and struggle with in our jobs (that’s never going to bring a true satisfaction). Until we learn (like Solomon did) that we do not find happiness in our jobs, people, stuff, going places and living the good life….we will continue to feel miserable and disatisfied. I don’t know about you…but I want to live a satisfied life. I don’t want to be a hater. I want to live at peace…and rest in His hands. I’m learning to live contently and let God control His world and ME! How about you?
Ecclesiastes 2:17 “So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun is grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”