
This song is so beautiful. What a sweet reminder that God is there. Even when it’s chaotic and a mess. He’s carrying us! We have all the hope we need in Him. His love sets us free. The group is Addison Road. Love them!

Lately, I’ve been running in circles. I have felt tired and overwhelmed. Too much happening and not resting properly have worn me down. When this happens, my spirit dwindles. I need a break! I need to reconnect with my real life. My God-life. I’m feeling too busy and I don’t like that….I neglect what I need most. Rest and Him.

I’m taking off Wednesday. I need the rest. I don’t usually do that. But, I can’t keep going the way I am. That is also the day of John Romine’s funeral. I will attend and support my sweet sister in Christ, Carol and her family. Remember them and pray. Reality is hitting hard. Tuesday and Wednesday will be so very painful.

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