The electricity goes out! At least that’s what happens in my neck of the woods. I’m not whining…just sharing how it rolls with me. 🙂 I’m thankful that when it went off tonight (during dinner and great conversation with our teenagers!) that it didn’t stay off all night. We were only out for about an hour or so. Nothing like the week back in September! Aaaaaaah! Glory be….that was rough! So…thank you Jesus for lights! I really like having them. L U X U R Y!!!
While the lights were out…we hung out and talked. Which is quite fun by the way. It reminded me that we don’t do it enough. I love hanging out with my kids. They have grown up so quickly and have been more than I could have ever dreamed of. They are precious people. I cherish them and pray that someday they have a family that they love and enjoy this much. I’ve been so blessed to be their mom. Thank you God for allowing me that pleasure!
I’m really proud of my kids. They are not into conforming to the world and it’s standards. In this day that’s saying something. Each of them have walked difficult roads with friendships and ministry life. All three of them are strong and confident in who they are and to whom they belong to. Another thing that’s not so easy to do these days. God has big plans for each of them and it excites me. Thank you God for blessing my life with Don, Gavin, Ally, & Gates. What a gift!
Deuteronomy 11:18 “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”
Parents: God wants us to be responsible for our children’s spirituality! He doesn’t say….take them to church and hand them over to SS teacher’s or to pastor’s. He wants us to take the initiative and teach them about Him and His word. He wants us to live out our faith OUTLOUD! So….feeling challenged yet? I hope so. I’m inspired to kick things up a notch! 🙂