She Speaks Conference


I’ve only been blogging for the last 9 months (unlike during a pregnancy time has flown by). Over this period of time I have learned a thing or twenty. One of which is the “WHO’S WHO” of conferences to attend. Lysa Terkeurst’s ministry (I like to call her the P31 lady) hosts a fabulous event each summer called She Speaks. Now from what I’ve heard this is the place to be if you are the slightest bit interested in becoming a better you! The event is designed to empower God’s women for His ministry (whichever it may be that you are particularly called to). It has a little something for everyone. If you are called to speak, write, lead or just to make some serious life changes….this might be where you need to spend the last weekend in July this year. Don’t wait! The conference fills up quickly and you will have to wait a whole year for another chance.

Right now Lysa is hosting a little contest for some lucky blogger to win a free trip to this year’s conference. It’s going to be well worth the effort I promise. Go by and see for yourself. But hurry, the deadline is this Friday 3/27. Good luck!


I’ve had a passion for women and ministry my whole adult life. When I married my husband almost twenty years ago, I thought I was taking on the life of a policeman’s wife. Little did I know that within a few short years and three babies later I would end up at a Southern Baptist seminary (not to become a preacher’s wife)…just surrendered to the “call”. Hubby was certain that it would not be to pastor. Oh how funny God is! Yea, he’s been a pastor ever since that first semester of college. I’ve learned not to question God or think anything is out of your reach. He can and will do the unexpected whenever we least expect it. I’m living proof.

My ministry started early in our marriage by leading a stay-at-home mom aerobics class at my church in south Florida. This was a great outreach tool that I was privileged to be a part of. I couldn’t have done it without the dedicated ladies that came and rocked babies and preschoolers every Tuesday and Thursday morning. It was only the beginning of what would spark my love for women. I have taught all ages from bedbabies to senior women throughout our serving in different churches. But my real love remains the same, women. I want to help women live victorious for Christ.

I have been told by my closest friends that they believe they will see me on a stage someday (Maybe they are right….I’ll be sweeping up after Beth or Lysa). I can’t tell you how that scares me! I’m really a chicken! I feel a little anxious even writing the words down. I would love to have the courage to actually do that. When I heard about She Speaks this past summer, it seemed like the conference I needed to attend. I read the many testimonies and felt a connection to the women that shared what God had blessed them with while there. I want to better me. I want to branch out of my little world and step out in faith…..and see what God has in store for me out there. I have a message…..I need help delivering it. She Speaks sounds amazing!

I don’t even need to tell you how exciting the blogging part sounds. It makes me so happy just thinking about it. I have been faithfully reading the blogs of many that will be attending and leading during the conference. This would be an incredible opportunity to meet them in person and glean from their deep knowledge of the blog-o-spere. It would be an honor! I’m psyched! I will be praying for the P31 gals and all who will play a part in leading the conference. God will be working through each of you…..I know He will. I just hope I’ll be there to share!

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