Everyday at 5:00pm, I’m glued to my t.v. Now for those of you who know me…personally…know that I am not a big t.v. freak. As a matter of fact, I rarely watch anything….even my favorite shows. I tivo and still forget to watch whatever it was that was precious to my viewing eyes. So…I’m not at all like my peeps! They. Are. Addicted. To. Tv.
But to this….I am hooked like an addict to a crack pipe. The cause? Glenn Beck! Yes, the mormon t.v. personality has me tuning in every single day….and if I miss (like I did yesterday) I get all in a tizzy! I’m totally addicted to his rantings! He is on fi-yah!!! If you cannot make sense of what is going on in this country….and honestly, WHO CAN? I suggest you tune into Fox News at 5:00pm and watch Glenn. He is telling Americans THE TRUTH!
It seems like our world is spinning out of control. If you’re anything like me (and maybe you’re not) then you are standing witness to some of the craziest times ever in our history. Each new day brings some deeper and darker revelation of just how out of control our leaders can be. I am amazed….day after day.
My prayer is that God will protect us….in spite of us. Our choices have put us in dire straights. We can’t do what God has called us to do…if we are not following Him with pure hearts. I pray that those in control of our free country….would lead by the Holy Spirit’s power and not their own. We need to turn back to the one that has truly set us free. Jesus!
Thank you, Glenn Beck. You say what mainstream media folks will not say! I’m praying for you. 🙂
Tags: Add new tag, Americans, Fox News, Glenn Beck, mormon, tivo, truth, tv personality