Beautiful Inspiration

Ally loves her Biblical Literature class. I knew she would. Her teacher, Mr. Titus is a great friend of mine. We used to be neighbors (cubby neighbors) in the teacher workroom. Neither of us had our own classrooms then. So we would listen to music and work on our computers all while talking back and forth about everything going on in our lives. I always loved having him for a neighbor. He’s kind, smart and in love with Jesus! We could share “God stuff” and each of us would get it!

During the semester each student has an inspirational project that he/she is responsible for. It can be anything……that is Biblically inspired! Over the years, Mr. Titus has shared his classes treasures with me. What a blessing to see such great work. So much goes into a project like this.

Ally decided to do a canvas art. She first painted it with intentions of adding scripture. After seeing a great project here she felt inspired to do the same with her Bible verse. It was fun! I loved watching her work and focus on making it just right. She’s a fabulous artist! Always has been.

Here she is with the finished project!


Great job, Ally! I love knowing that you have that verse hidden in your heart. God’s word is like no other!

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