Dare I dream that big? I’ve admitted before that I’m a dreamer….but God-sized? For my little human mind….that’s dreaming in the BIGTIME! But truthfully……I’m all over it! I guess that’s the way it is with us dreamers. Nothing can stop us! We dream and I believe….HE can handle it! Over at (In)courage’s blog, Holley has thrown down the challenge….by asking this very important question. What are your God-sized dreams?
This new year….I dream to:
SERVE CHRIST. Whether anyone around me thinks I’m worthy of a ministry position or not. My family and I have not “fallen” from grace. We simply left full-time pastoral ministry (a decision that was painful to do). So many times over the last 2 years I’ve felt as if I had done something terribly wrong. I know that isn’t true and so does God! I’m excited about where it is He wants to use me. I know….He’s not finished with me!
SERVE MY FAMILY. I’ve been so busy just trying to survive. My emotional well being hasn’t weathered the discouragement like I’d hoped. My family deserves a better me. One that has the confidence and knowledge that my Savior is in control! Oh I’ve believed those things…but a broken heart can play some dirty tricks on you if you’re not careful. I want to live outloud to my husband and kids. They’ve missed me and so have I!
SERVE OTHERS. I miss ministering. I haven’t completely walked away from that….it’s too engrained in my blood. It’s who I am. I have a passion for leading someone to a right relationship with Christ and those in their lives. I understand so many issues that people have because I’m just like them, a sinner! I know that God has placed me in the right spot….and that all I have to do is follow His lead. Use me, Lord! I’m willing!
How do I plan to execute this dream? By first cleaning out the junk that’s built up in my heart. Life’s little stabs can add up and cover you with defeat. I need a good clean out (much like my garage and storage room do). It may even be an extreme makeover kind that I need. I can’t get anything accomplished living in the stinky muck that I look back and see I’ve been smack in the middle of.
Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Ps.51:10
My personal study time has been depressing! Why? I don’t know. Lack of ambition maybe? I can’t really say. But that has to change (it already has)! I love to study…..and I’m not ignoring that privilege any longer! My growth has been stunted because of my actions…..but I’m back! Lord, teach me your ways…..I love your precepts!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Slowing down and focusing on what’s important instead of just merely existing. My kids are all growing up and leaving the nest. One is already gone (yes he’s just at college)….but he’s practically on his way out for good. I don’t want to waste anymore teaching/discipling time that I have with them. There’s still much to say…..much to learn….much to experience. I can’t do that if I’m exhausted and zipping through life in a stressed out hurry. I plan to do more speaking the truth into my kids lives. It is my job afterall!
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deut. 6:7
I have work to do. What about you? Do you have any God-sized dreams? If so….don’t be afraid to dream them and seek out God’s help to attain them. If there’s anything I’ve learned in the last few years it’s this…..don’t sit and wait for something to happen to you. GO GET IT!
Tags: (In)courage, God-sized dreams