You’re not like me….I’m not like you!

I’ve been reading about the amazing lives of some incredible missionaries…..  Adoniram Judson, Lottie Moon & William Wallace.  I can’t tell you how inspiring it is to peek into a life such as theirs.  My own troubles seem so stinkin small when I read what they did and endured for the sake of the gospel.  I am a pathetic worm of a Christian….when compared.  Which leads me to something I’ve been thinking about lately….comparison!

I see it everywhere.  At school, church and even while I meander through my normal day.  Everyone in some way or another is comparing themselves to another.  I’ve done it, too.  No one wants to be less than….so we build ourselves up.  We look at the person dressed poorly and say to ourselves….”Hmm, glad I didn’t come out dressed like that!”.  Or take it another step….we elevate ourselves spiritually.  We compare our walk with someone who’s not in the best spiritual condition.   It helps us feel better about our own complacency as a follower.

Over the course of my life…..I’ve had many humbling moments.  I’ve also experienced great triumphs and felt proud of myself.  As follower’s, I think each of us would agree that… is just that way.  Sometimes we’re up at the top and other’s we’re somewhere else.  How else can God use us?  He needs us to be where He needs us to be when He needs us to be there.  You know?  I just want to be willing and obedient.  I can’t sit around comparing my gifts or talents with someone else until I miss my opportunity to do whatever it is God has for me.

I want to be the best me I can be.  I want to love God and serve Him completely (in spite of whatever else is going on around me).  I want to be the best wife and mother that I CAN BE (not falling in the trap of guilt and failure that I so often do as a wife/mom).  I want to shine at work and to let that glow touch those that I come into contact with everyday (stop worrying about what the job crisis is).  I want to be a friend that loves at all times (….love one another!).

If you’re someone who sizes other’s up….STOP!  It’s not helping you become a better you.  As a matter of fact, it’s hindering you from moving ahead.  Try focusing on the great qualities in those around you….and encourage them to be even better than what they already are.  You’ll be surprised at how inspiring it will be to your own life agenda.

To get a little boost in your outlook… about people who have given it all just to share God’s love with someone.  You’ll see your own life much differently.  I promise!

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