See down there….that’s a long way to fall!
And that’s what will happen if my husband climbs onto our roof to repair the stopped up frozen gutters. Moments ago, we heard a terrible sound to homeowners….water pouring out onto hardwood from the top of the bay window. It appears the water is leaking back under the overhang and coming inside. This is not good, not good at all! We could have serious damage if this doesn’t stop.
See why I don’t want hubby on our slippery, frozen and very high roof? It’s not a good day for this type of situation! Oh wait, it’s not even daylight anymore either. It’s 11pm!
We need your help! Please stop that water from destroying our walls, window and roof. Help me to be still and know….you are in control here.
Thank you Lord
Tags: dangerous, level 1 emergency, snow storm