Happy Birthday Gavin

How did this happen? He’s my baby! Where did 20 years go? I’ve just gotten started being his mom. Time, you are chasing me down and running me over. Stop it, please!?

My sweetboy. I’ve been in love with you since the day I found out I was pregnant. I had been praying for a son for as long as I could remember. Little did I know he’d bless me with the greatest one ever. You’re the kind of son every parent dreams of. Dad and I couldn’t be more proud of you.

This is going to be a very exciting year for you. I pray that you continue to make wise choices and honor God with your life. It’s easy to go with the flow….it’s hard work to go against it. God will help you in everything you do. You can always count on Dad and I to be there too.

It just flips me out that we have moved on from legos and hot wheel tracks to looking for stuff for your first apartment. Eeek! Someday, you’ll understand the grip these realities have on my heart. It’s all bittersweet for me. I’m looking forward to what God has in store for your future.

No matter how old you get….you’ll always be my sweetboy! 🙂



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