After searching and searching…..he’s found a car! I know people make these sort of decisions all the time. My family, is well….more complicated! We ponder. We hem-haul around. We think on it and then look some more. We talk and talk it to death.
It’s just not easy to choose an affordable car that we’re all going to like and one that DOESN’T have payments. {Hubby’s wrecked car was paid off in October} Awesome, right? Yea, that’s how we felt too. So, having to replace it with something nice has been a total brain pain.
As I write, hubby is enroute to the other side of Indy to pick up a check and then on to another part of Indy to pay for his “older” model Volvo S80. My prayers (besides for their safety) is that this car is not a lemon or a clunker. He travels constantly by car for his job and having to do it in a beater….just wouldn’t be good.
My job now is to move forward from this whole rotten accident. Again, I’ll say a thank you to Jesus for both my girl’s being completely unharmed. THANK YOU, LORD!! And thank you, for helping us find a replacement car. Amen!
****U P D A T E****
No go on purchasing the Volvo! The ad didn’t quite match up to the reality. Who doesn’t mention a giant hole in the hood? Like, someone took a pick-ax and chopped. Huh?
Back to square one…