Since I’ve been so busy lately (cough cough), I’ve had plenty of time to dream of going somewhere fun. I tend to do that when I’m free from real responsibilities. I dream of awesome places and fun family time enjoying it. But the reality is that I have nowhere to go (what’s new, dude?) and nothing fun to plan with my family.
Sucks to be me, eh?
As I wander around in the blogosphere, I see tons of fun being had by the bloggers I like to read. Jealous! Most of them involve THE BEACH or the lake. Which is my all-time favorite stuff to do. Besides shopping and napping. Honestly, life should involve lots of water fun and freetime as families. I think (after hearing Priscilla Shirer last weekend) taking a shabbat is necessary.
This past weekend my hubby preached on being a good father and leaving a Godly legacy. He hit the nail on the head with every point. Being a dad is very important for everyone involved. Dad’s hold the key to the hearts of their children. I know this firsthand. My kids love their dad so much and often overlook any weakness he may possess. That’s not usually the case with momma’s. They long for his attention, time, affection, affirmation and love. Something they don’t do with me. I’m a mom. It’s my job to do that no matter what.
Dad’s have a power over their kids that matches no other. They can build them up or tear them down with just a single comment. A reminder to weigh each word carefully when talking with or in front of your kids. Also, a dad can guide or not guide their kids to being a parent themselves someday. A task that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
I’d like to praise my hubby for his awesome dad skills. While not perfect, they come pretty darn close to me. He’s always willing to “handle” anything our kids throw his way. Even though he’s not a TIMELY person he will jump at an opportunity to help them out. He’s there for each of them and they know it. He’s solid and they know that too. I’m thankful for him and I know they are too.
Thank you for your awesome dad skills. You have never been afraid to show your love to our kids and they know it. You are a light that shines bright in each of their lives.
I love you.
Now, take me to the beach! Soon. 🙂