My family is back in the normal mode. Everyone sleeping under the same roof. I like it. It gives me a sense of peace. I know I don’t possess any of the members of my family (personally). Each of them belong to God. I’m just pretty thankful that HE shares them with me. For such a time as this.
Gavin made it home from his summer counselor job in Wisconsin. My living room hasn’t looked this junked up since before he left in May/June. It’s baby steps here with the moving back in. His closet/dresser had to be cleaned out (again) so he could put his clothes away. Dude has grown. I managed to share some of his barely worn clothes with someone who can use them. Score!
This weekend is hubby’s last Sunday to interim preach at Bethel Baptist Church. It’s been a great summer sharing our Sunday’s with them and listening to a great preacher. 😉 I’m excited about the next step God has for us. The kids will do special music this week too. I love it when they share their gift so willingly. So does God.
I know other mom’s understand what I mean when I say all feels right in my world. Tonight, I’ll sleep with a special measure of comfort knowing all three of my BIG babes are home and in their own soft beds. Ahhh. Sweet dreams, friends! May your own life be filled with the same.
Oh and look who finally got her FIRST paycheck!! Talk about excited…