I’m copy-catting the travel channel’s show Extreme Workplaces. Who knew there were employers who encouraged such stuff as decorating your office in themes? Like Ebay? Each employee focuses on their obsession and shops specifically to decorate their space in the junk collections they love. That’s not all the perks either. They cater to their employees in many other ways too. And don’t get me started with all the goings on at Google! Wow!
Makes me question….what am I doing with my life?
Oh yea, I’m still on vacay. At the beach! Woohoo!
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not lost in some exotic locale. And my hotel room isn’t decorated in some awesome theme. But for a gal whose not left Indiana in several years…..I’m in paradise!
It’s time for me to drag myself down to the shoreline. I’ve got a tan to work on and some waves to watch. Hope you have a great last week of summer wherever you are.
Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the LORD your God, am with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9