I’m almost ashamed to admit this…..I was beginning to believe that it would never be cool again. Yes, I live in Indiana and of course we have a big snow season here. But the heatwave had stolen my hope, ya’ll! I can’t remember it ever being so miserably hot as it has been this summer. Sticky gacky H O T !!
The crazy thing about Indiana weather is if you don’t like how it feels today, just stick around it’ll be different tomorrow! Well, today is yesterday’s tomorrow and IT IS DIFFERENT!! Ya’ll, the windows are open…the a/c is off and the sweatpants are on!
It’s not just cool….IT IS COLD! The high will be 70 today and I am so stinkin excited! Forget what I said about topping August in my last post. This weather is my new best friend. I just hope that wherever you are–that you’re feeling it too!
This is seriously a new day. Enjoy your Labor Day, friends. It’s back to work tomorrow.