I’ve been hanging onto the recipe for a few weeks now and figured it was time to try it.
Meet my Cinnamon Roll Cake
Looks good, huh?
Well, it was. I made a few baking errors though. First, the recipe says to add all the ingredients and mix. Then once everything is blended add in the melted margarine/butter. Yea, I forgot that part until I had already poured the batter into the buttered pan. No worries, I mixed it in while still in the pan and it was fine. Second, I realized after re-reading over the recipe (I always do that when I’m cooking or baking just to torture myself if I left something out!) and I had FORGOTTEN to add the dang vanilla!
Oh yea, I’m considering taking Ginko Biloba. My mind…she is a leavin’! 😉
If you look closely, you can see it’s not very cinnamon swirly. At least for my taste anyway. So, next time I make it… not only will I add all the ingredients that belong in it I will up the cinnamon stuff too.
My opinion (not that you need it) is that it’s a keeper. It was fairly easy and most everyone should have all the ingredients on hand. Anytime I can bake up a treat without having to make a store trip—I likey! Also, my people liked it which settles it. Keeper!
Link to recipe H E R E
Tags: baking, cinnamon roll cake, easy breakfast