Posts Tagged ‘baking’

I Bake To Please

Monday, November 21st, 2011

I’ve been hanging onto the recipe for a few weeks now and figured it was time to try it.

Meet my Cinnamon Roll Cake

Looks good, huh?

Well, it was. I made a few baking errors though. First, the recipe says to add all the ingredients and mix. Then once everything is blended add in the melted margarine/butter. Yea, I forgot that part until I had already poured the batter into the buttered pan. No worries, I mixed it in while still in the pan and it was fine. Second, I realized after re-reading over the recipe (I always do that when I’m cooking or baking just to torture myself if I left something out!) and I had FORGOTTEN to add the dang vanilla!

Oh yea, I’m considering taking Ginko Biloba. My mind…she is a leavin’! πŸ˜‰

If you look closely, you can see it’s not very cinnamon swirly. At least for my taste anyway. So, next time I make it… not only will I add all the ingredients that belong in it I will up the cinnamon stuff too.

My opinion (not that you need it) is that it’s a keeper. It was fairly easy and most everyone should have all the ingredients on hand. Anytime I can bake up a treat without having to make a store trip—I likey! Also, my people liked it which settles it. Keeper!

Link to recipe H E R E


Sunday, March 6th, 2011

My kryptonite……I’m sure of it!

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just click off my blog right now and move on. These cookies are so delicious and easy, you’ll be making them up in no time! Then, you’ll be eating hiding them. Keep reading if you want to torture yourself and anyone around you that wishes to be skinny! πŸ˜‰

Homemade Oreos

1 1/4 C. All Purpose Flour
1/2 C. Unsweetened Cocoa
1 t. Baking Soda
1/4 t. Baking Powder
1/4 t. Salt
1-1 1/2 C. sugar (I used just over a cup because it’s uber sweet)
1 1/4 Sticks unsalted butter (softened)
1 Large egg

Cream butter, egg & sugar together. Slowly beat in dry ingredients. Dough will be very thick. Using a teaspoon to scoop a small amount, then roll into a ball and flatten onto your baking pan.
Bake at 375 for 8 minutes. Let stand in pan a few minutes then move to cooling rack.

Cream Filling:
1/4 C. unsalted butter
1/4 C. vegatable shortening
2 C. sifted confectioners sugar

Mix well and spoon small amount onto cookies. EAT!! (I mean, put them on a plate and share them. Duh!)

The hardest part? Making all your cookies match in size. Be careful, they are also very addicting! ENJOY!