Summer has a way of spoiling a chick. Even with the crazy traveling and hanging out in hospitals…..I could relax knowing that I WASN'T ON A REAL SCHEDULE!
Those days are gone!
I've been in school for 2 days and I'm ready to see the weekend bigtime. My body is rebelling to the late nights up and the early morning wake up times. This morning when I stepped out of bed my right knee refused to join me. It hurt as if I were wacked by a baseball bat while I was sleeping.
Who done it?
Luckily for me….I bought this magic spray stuff from Cracker Barrel this summer to spray on what ails me. So, before I limped out the door to school…I sprayed a few squirts on that bum knee!
I can't say it healed me but I will admit that a few hours later I was back in the game.
Tonight, I promise I'm going to bed early. Or earlier.
My hubby is back in Texas. He flew out this morning very early before I was even awake and is still working at the lodge at this late hour of the night. He sent me a message a bit ago that said he sure wishes he had slept for longer than 45 minutes last night. That's harsh! I feel for him. Especially since he's hopping right back on a plane tomorrow and heading back home. Don't feel too sorry for him…he's jetting back on a private flight.
What a sacrifice, huh?
Enough about him, I'll just be here wandering around in a school daze trying to fulfill my new role in the tutoring lab. And since it's Friday, the principal gave us a FREE JEANS DAY!! So you know how I feel about that, right?
Happy Friday!!