Posts Tagged ‘glory’

A Friend In Need

Monday, September 26th, 2011

I’ve been thinking all weekend about a hurting friend. It’s never easy to watch someone struggle through a tough situation. Words never seem good enough. For people like me (open mouth–insert foot types) I feel like I need to tip-toe around everything I say for fear I’ll make it worse.

Tell me I’m not alone, please!?

The issue at hand is a sensitive one. How do I encourage and strengthen her faith when I’m just as scared and unsure as she is? I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has a plan. He has one for her and this painful situation but it’s really hard to see when you’re hurting and afraid.

One advantage that I have in being a bit older than her is that I’ve experienced the letdowns of life and know that God always works things out for HIS glory. Even painful things. My job right now is to love her through this and that I feel privileged to do.

It’s hard to understand why certain sad things happen to people but I’m trusting YOU to make all things new. My sweet friend is afraid and clinging to hope. I know you’re working on her behalf and that your glory will be known….if we will only be patient!

2 Tim. 1:7 “For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and sound mind”.

She was only 99…

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Our Mamaw
Sadie Marie Morgan
November 13, 1910-February 26, 2010

photo taken 1/28/10

It’s been on our minds for the last few years. We’ve known it was inevitable. But facing it on Friday still stung. Our beloved Mamaw (Sadie Marie Morgan) passed from this earth and onto a glory that we can only imagine. She lived a long and happy life. Still for each of us….who loved her, we hurt.

We know that she is right where she’s been waiting so long to go. Heaven. As soon as I received the call…..I thought about that heavenly reunion. I couldn’t help but smile. Mamaw spent her whole life loving Christ and serving Him. She’s prayed and dreamed of seeing him face to face. When I think of her finally making her entrance…..I feel like rejoicing! I know that she certainly is.

Another thought came to my mind as I pictured her arrival……Papaw! I can just see him standing there with his hat on and his hand in his pocket full of mints. He was surely anxious to show her around….and as my husband added in to my prediction….he probably said something silly about “those dern enzymes”! That’s what kept her going another 19 years after he left this earth. 🙂

The legacy left behind by this tiny little giant of a lady is incredible. She has touched so many lives. Her influence on other’s for Christ is truly an inspiration. She really lived out “study to show thyself approved” and she shared her knowledge with so many. I’m reminded of a few theological differences with her and my hubby (who was attending seminary at the time) and I wonder…..if she caught up with Paul, Peter and other’s to find out if she was right or wrong. Honestly, I bet she doesn’t even care anymore.

She’s in glory! Where we all long to be someday.

I posted a message on my Facebook page about her death and the responses were so touching. She was loved by so many and she won’t be forgotten. Here’s just a few messages I received from my post. So very kind.

–i am so sorry to hear this she was such a great women . if there is anything ya’ll need let me know.

–Sorry to hear! She was a great lady and will be greatly missed by all her family and friends.Praying for you all.

–Oh no. I loved her and it was an honor to know her. What an amazing lady!

–Mamaw displayed such a beautiful spirit. It was always comforting to be near her.

We fly out tomorrow for Florida (home sweet home) to be with our family. We’re looking forward to celebrating the life she lived…..and hugging our loved ones tight. We can’t wait to get there.  Being so far away….in times like these, stink!

Thank you. We are blessed because Mamaw was in our life. Help us live outloud for you….just as she did everyday. Her legacy will live on.