Who knew my little 3 day work-week was going to be so hurried and full? Certainly not me! I’m exhausted and I’m only 1/3 of the way there. Gracious!
I made a huge mistake by wearing some goodlooking boots on Monday. I had to run from one end of the school to the other ALL DAY LONG! Let’s just say, my puppies were a barkin! Lesson learned! No wearing sassy boots during finals week, ever again!
I have company coming today from Kentucky. She’s on her way to Illinois and likes to stop part of the way up and rest a while with my family. I’m bummed that I still have to work, but thankful she’s not the kind of guest that can’t handle it. She can snuggle with Miss Lizzy until 3:30. Then we’ll party it up, Miss Stephany!
Today is the staff Christmas luncheon. I likey. There’s always some delicious food and it’s fun to see staff that I rarely run into. I’m beginning to think I need to wear rollerskates. I’m scheduled to the max. I was just thinking — I wish my bosses could figure out something else for me to do {sarcasm} while I’m at work. I’m not sure they’re getting their money’s worth out of me. HA!
Can you say, S T R E T C H E D T H I N ?
Ahh, enough about me. 😉
Shoot, I just remembered something else. After school, I had to run to the store. Believe it or not, I stood in line forever (yes, in those darned boots!) while people crawled all over me. It was like CHRISTMAS WEEK or something! hehe!
Don’t forget to slow down ya’ll and enjoy the specialness that is Christmas!
And, Happy Tuesday/Thursday! Tomorrow is my FRIDAY! 🙂