What is it with people and Tim Tebow? Why is it that no matter where you turn someone is criticizing this kid? It’s even reached the point of fellow Christians being mean-spirited about the guy. Seriously? What is the deal?
What has he ever done TO ANYONE to deserve all the ridicule and cruelty?
I’m so tired of the world glamorizing the “sins” of popular celebs and athletes. How much money is spent on reality stars (like the Kardashians, Real Housewives, Basketball Wives, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Jersey Shore etc) to bring their wild dysfunction and filthy moral habits into our living rooms?
I’ll tell ya, A BUNCH!
Yet, we blast and make fun of a GOD HONORING young man — Tim Tebow. I crack up every single time I hear the football announcers go on and on about his “abilities” or lack thereof. Really? Then I watch his games and he plays with all his heart and physical ability and many times wins!
I think I know what the problem is, he reminds us of what we are not. It’s easier for most of us to retaliate and smart off when someone challenges us or cuts us down. Tim Tebow was raised to be forgiving. He grew up on the mission field, really serving the least of our world. He knows what a privilege every single blessing he has in his life REALLY IS. Do you or I?
Bob & Pam Tebow have worked and still do today in the very trenches that many Americans wouldn’t dare walk. All in the name of sharing Jesus Christ with those who need Him. They aren’t serving Christ for show or for large monetary bonuses. For some, this sounds unbelievable. Who thinks of other’s more than themselves? Not too many of us.
I’m thankful for people like the Tebow’s. They’ve done an outstanding job of raising a great family (Tim’s just the baby, there are 5 Tebow children) and preparing them for the world. It’s an honor to see the fruit of their labor. As a parent, we wonder if our kids “get it” when we’re training them up. Seeing what the Tebows have done should give us all hope.
I don’t care if my kids grow up to be famous or athletic, rich or poor–what really matters the most to me is that THEY HONOR GOD with their lives and that they live OUTLOUD FOR CHRIST.
Kind of like, Tim Tebow does everyday.
Thanks, Dude!
Tags: blessed, criticize, family, God Honoring, good parenting, loving family, missionary, Tim Tebow