Book Snob

I’ve been in a book funk. Since I finished reading several really good books last month—I’ve been on a search to keep the momentum up. It’s all part of my crazy book snobbery! I admit it, I only read certain genres. I’ve never been a good chic lit kind of reader. I’m also not fond of most fantasy or fiction.

I know…I’m missing out. My friends tell me all the time. My brain just can’t enjoy it. I love truth and if I’m going to invest hours of my time, I want to learn something. That’s just who I am.

So, after trolling the entire internet looking for a new read you’ll be surprised to see my final selection would be FICTION! I know, I drive me crazy too.

I couldn’t help it…the reviews sucked me in and the author actually wrote the story based on a case that took place in her own life. I guess you could call it a based on a true story book. Anyway, I bought it for 99 cents and if it stinks I can just put it down and walk away. Right?

My book choice? TAKEN by Debra Lee


Pretty cover, huh? I love the snowy back road scene and I’m excited to get started. Now I just need a good snow day to snuggle up and read.

Oh I kid. Snow? It skipped Indiana this winter! And I’m NOT complaining.

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