Several weeks back, I decided to make this Lent season something special for me and hopefully others as well. All around me, friends were giving up Diet Coke or chocolate all as a reminder of what Christ has done for them. As a follower of Christ, I try to live a life that is pleasing to him everyday. Though I fall short and make giant mistakes on a regular basis….I know that I owe Him the best of me. Sometimes the best way to do that– is to step outside of what is expected and do something special for someone other than me.
I decided to write a card or note of love and encouragement to someone different everyday for the entire Lent season. That meant about 40 people would get something kind or personal from me. It shouldn't be too difficult, right? Until you commit to doing it and satan tries everything in his power to stop you. Oh yea, he did! Busyness swept into many of my days (I sometimes had to play make-up) and robbed me of energy and time. But, I kept going.
I'm happy to say…that today, I will mail my final note of encouragement. Writing notes may not seem like such a big deal. It's reminded me how simple it is to touch another person's life. Even if you're far away, you can send them a piece of your heart. I know how it feels to hear sweet words of encouragement, it's empowering! And doing it FOR NO GOOD REASON has been empowering for me. You should try it.
What I've learned? Writing a simple "Hello" or "I'm thinking of you" is easy. Picking out random people to bless? Challenging! Someday's it was easy as pie. If I knew someone was having a birthday–I shot them a sweet card. Our school hired a few new interim folks–sent them a welcome aboard note. Thought of a struggling friend faraway–reminded them how awesome they are. Then there were days when no one would come to mind. I blame satan for that. Somehow, God used me anyway and I am really thankful that He did.
I haven't heard from everyone but those I did had the sweetest things to say. What was a simple little gesture made a big impact on their day. I know God enjoys seeing His children love one another. That is just what I was able to do. I'll remember this Lent season for a long time to come.
What about you? Did you give up something special or did you reach out and take on a new challenge? How did it bless you?