Free Kindle Books, Y’all

It's been a while since I played along with the gal's over at Works for Me Wednesday…so I thought I'd link up with something that really makes me happy.  




I'm just a hard working mama whose budget is stretched pretty tight.  I know a good thing when I find it and cheap or free books are the cat's meow (if you like cats, anyway).  I like clicking that little button when it says, FREE on Kindle.

If you have a Kindle or an e-reader that you love reading from…I've found the coolest Christian book source.  INSPIRED READS.  This fancy little site is updated everyday and is one of the best spots I've found to get great books for cheap or free.

I'm also a Facebook fan which helps with reminders (you might be like me and get busy during the day and forget to go check out the daily deals).  When I see something I'm interested in reading, I just click on over and "buy" my free book.

Oh and since I can't keep a blessing to myself….I always link up or shout out my good find to my friends on Facebook.  Holler!  Books are an easy way to blow your budget.  I think if you can save some money by snagging some freebies, then GO FOR IT!  Right?

To LIKE Inspired Reads on Facebook go HERE!

You're welcome, WFMW friends.  I hope you find some great deals and pass the blessing along.  Oh and maybe say hello to the fine folks over at IR too!  Aren't they the coolest?


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