No bloggy fun for me today as I'm on a jet plane to Florida. I'm looking forward to seeing my mom and really being able to listen to her and all that's going on with this illness. In one way, I wish I knew what I was facing (at her side). In another, I think God knows just what I need and knowing certain things is probably better kept secret.
So, as I venture into this new territory…I covet your prayers. I know that God is bigger than any sickness, hurt or loss. I simply want to be available to Him as I serve her with my presence. I can't heal my mother but God can and while I'm with her during this battle….I hope that for both of us emotional healing can take place too.
I hope to take not only a positive attitude with me but an uplifting spirit as well. Some of what I hope to do while I'm visiting her—>
Photographs — I hope to take some pictures of her and the two of us together.
Stories — I can't wait to hear some old family stories. I'm sure there are some funny ones.
Favorite foods — I love my mom's cooking but I hope to make her some tasty treats while there. Eating has a way of connecting folks.
Rest — I plan to follow her lead. If it's quiet and rest, then that's what I'll do. If it's busy and loud, I'll go with that too.
Time is never on our side. Life is fragile and I realize that more than ever as I stare this cancer in the face. I feel thankful that I have a reason to spend time with my mother. I want to honor her & honor God with the time we have together.
No matter the past…