Over Christmas break, I worked on some blogposts that I don't normally have time to deal with and it was great. The problem? Now they won't post! I can't even find my publish button!
Curses to you, WordPress!
I'm definitely not a blogging expert and I certainly can't do anything fancy with my blog but NOT PUBLISH A POST? Come on! I'm typing this post with the hopes that when I hit the publish button it actually pops up on my feed.
I posted a cute story about how much we love our dogs…only it placed it back on January 1st. Huh? What? How in the world? I think I might be going crazy! See what happens when I try to help myself out? I ruin everything!
I hope this snafu doesn't keep me from blogging but if it doesn't straighten up….I'll be MIA! I can't work & rush around all day then try to blog on a broken WordPress blog. I'm just not wound that awesome. So, if I'm not posting…you know what happened people.
Before I go. Today was Gates last day of school. I took it like a champ! The reality….will set in soon and I'll let you know how lonely I am for — running late mornings, clothing disasters & lunch dates in my classroom. I'm officially an old mom.