1 — The week is finally coming to a close! Time to party!
2 — People have better attitudes. Being friendly all the day long!
3 — Paychecks roll into bank accounts on Friday's. $$
4 — Date nights. Who cooks on Friday night?
5 — Energy booster. Somehow, even being tired…you get pumped!
6 — Fun with family begins.
7 — Jeans days. Not every Friday….but occasionally! Yahoo!
8 — 2-hour delays. If you live in snowy Indiana….it can happen!
9 — Anticipation of time with family all weekend long. And pets!
10 — Well earned break! God loves his children and planned rest time!
I'm dog tired and cannot wait to hang out at home with my people and watch football! It's been a long few weeks and I'm all about regrouping with my darlin's! I don't even mind that my TEAM isn't playing in the Super Bowl. I plan to yell and get crazy anyway!
Happy weekend, y'all!