Home Alone & the Dogs Are Barking

What are you afraid of?  I'm home alone tonight. So I can ask such a question.  I made it home a little earlier than usual from my ladies Bible Study.  Strangely, no one else was home.  That never happens at my house.  Someone is always home, day or night.  As soon as I came in from taking my dogs out for a little break…..they started barking.

The scary barking!

The kind of barking that says, stranger danger…killers, everywhere barking!  I tried my best to distract them.  I also played the "I'm not going to think bad thoughts" game with myself while trying to stop the loud growly barks.  No good!  I let my mind wander with WHAT IF thoughts.

Fear can make us crazy!

I don't normally walk around all scaredy-cat like.  I'd like to think of myself as a brave girl.  One who stares down dark lonely nights and alarmed pets with stoic bravery.  But the truth is I get scared.  I feel fear and I think the worst.  Even knowing what I know about God……

I'll never understand why fear grips us and squeezes so tight.  Maybe it's a weakness inside or a lack of faith.  Either way, I'm determined to beat it.  I'm mostly talking about the big fears here: losing a loved one, terrible disease, job loss, home loss.  The barking dogs will stop but a tragedy….can be life-changing.  However…

I love knowing I can turn to scripture when I'm scared.  Here's 3 of my favorites.

Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."

2 Timothy 1:7  "For GOD has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and sound mind."

Joshua 1:9  "This is my command–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."


There are moments when I take my eyes off of you.  I'm sorry.  When that happens, the door opens for all sorts of confusion.  Help me to focus on you and the many ways you are covering me with your care.





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