I just hung up the phone and cried. I blame it on the PMS. But nevertheless, life can be frustrating! It can happen to the best of us, this much I know.
Handling jerky people on the phone must be an artform that I haven't mastered yet. Since I'm way past 40…I'm not sure I ever will either. Still, I'm mad enough to flip my lid and that's kind of what I told the rude lady on the other end of the line. Her answer? Well, don't do that! Grrrrrr!
Did you know….that a child living in your house that you pay to support because THEY ARE A DANG KID and still in school has to GIVE YOU permission to handle any of their business? Like paying a medical bill? No, really. Did you know this? All because she has turned 18!! Let me throw in that she is a kid who doesn't have a job (she's in high school) and doesn't pay a single bill. Especially a medical bill.
I imagine this sounds like I'm overreacting. I can't help it. Who creates these crazy rules? Seriously! I have to hand over every single record of proof of my income for my young adult kids to attend college and recieve any loans or grants but I can't set up a payment plan for a lab bill for my soon to be graduating daughter? Thank you government from heck! Well played, geniuses! So, my question to her was am I to ignore this bill and let her be responsible for it? She's a kid! A kid who doesn't pay bills because she's a kid that doesn't have a job!
There was no happy ending here. Hence the fact that I hung up and cried. The rules are twisted. I have no freedom no matter which way I turn. I can't pay a medical bill without HER PERMISSION but yet I have to be responsible for anything having to do with my 3 young adult kids college bills!
Help me not to be so naive & emotional over stupid issues. This is just a blip in my day but it pushes my mama buttons and I can't handle such lunacy!