I know you've been wondering…
I've slept 3 nights without any of my children down the hall.
It's probably a good thing my house is under such a mess of construction. It's kept me focused on something besides the fact that my kids are all grown.
When I wasn't expecting it….tears showed up to wash away the quiet. They seem to come so easily now.
….and I'm no crybaby!
So, if you needed to know…
Counting my blessings today.
1 – Smart & confident kids.
2 – Loving & amazing hubby.
3 – Great home & getting even better.
4 – Sweet friends & family that encourage me.
5 – Great jobs. (me & hubby)
6 – Happy pet.
7 – Wonderful future.
8 – Wedding anniversary in 1 week! (24 years)
9 – The Colts won!
10 – It's fall! My favorite season ever!
Dear God
It doesn't take much to remind me just how much YOU LOVE ME. Thank you.