I’ll Pray For You

How often do we say that to someone and then never do it?  If you're like me, you don't NOT pray for them because you don't care or are a big liar.  It's just easy to overlook or forget.  Maybe we've even gotten a little weak in our prayer life.

prayers of jesus

No one modeled prayer quite like Jesus did.

On the night before His crucifixion Jesus went to the garden with the apostles to pray.  He knew the task at hand was going to need serious prayer.  It was to be His biggest act of love so far and while He was certainly God in flesh…..He prayed that His Father God would let this cup pass if there were ANY OTHER WAY.

Scripture records that Jesus prayed so hard and with such agony that an angel came to comfort Him.  Only hours away from His arrest, Jesus continued to pray there in Gethsemane while His followers fell into a restful sleep nearby.  He needed strength, the kind that comes from God and He needed His followers to join in with that petitioning.

I can't imagine a need greater than sacrificing your life for all mankind.  It just doesn't match up to anything I've ever had to struggle with or pray about.  Yet, every prayer I've ever uttered matters to God.  Every tiny little stress that I've cried over and each request I've offered up….He hears and cares about.  No matter how small.

As I think of my Lord on this Maundy Thursday, I praise Him for His love for me and I'm inspired by His willingness to pray for "any other way" and YET accept the answer with a love like no other.

It's only a matter of time now…..the soldiers will be here soon.

Won't you pray?


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