You may not understand my thinking on this issue…..or maybe you will. I don’t know! But,
I love OTHER people’s salads!
I never ever ever make a great salad. I’d even go so far as to say, my salads are lame! Boring, wimpy maybe even pathetic! So, when I’m out and about (partying) I do not skip out on the salad selections. I’m not picky either. It can be a pasta salad, summer salad, bean salad, chicken salad or even a 7-layer salad. I will gladly try them all.
Last night, the party was happening at “the boss’s” house….everyone gathered for what was to be our summer kick-off of tennis matches and cooking out! None of us knew that Tuesday, May 20th was going to be THE HOTTEST day so far in the year of our Lord 2014! But, it was!
I managed to lay low, as in…..really low and not get in the middle of all the very young athletic tennis pros playing King of the Court! Trust me, this was for the best! I need to crank that habit back up if I ever plan to participate with these killers! They were on fire!
However, there was salad to come and I’m all about priorities ….so, tennis competition be danged! I’m here for my own good reasons!
By dinner, I was anxious to try the salad brought by Anje who clearly has magic in her fingers. I could see it was fresh and loaded with strawberries, almonds and poppy-seeds. It was love at first taste! Sweet, crunchy and delicious in every way. I loved it so much that I practically ignored my giant hamburger because…….why bother when a salad fantasy comes true?! Right?
I’m not even ashamed that I praised Anje into leaving the leftover salad for me (look, it was all her idea!)!
Ahhh, my lunch was kickin’ today!
So, the moral of the story is….if you make a great salad, I WANT TO BE FRIENDS!!! Mmm’k?