My Big Fat Love for Texas

I love Texas!  I always tell people that (listen) when I'm in Texas, I feel like all my troubles are behind me.  Life slows down, scenery fades and any pressing issues blow out the window as I drive 80 mph down the road!

That's the life, huh?

The reality is that where I'm sitting in Texas it is B U S Y right now.  No one's lazin' around with a straw stick in their mouth wasting the day relaxing (well, except me….)!  The lodge is buzzing with workers, the ranch is in full-blown mowing & whatnot and a ton of new employees are busy learning all their roles in a full week of training.  Even the Hageman family is here doing their part in welcoming in the new staff and handling this & that to get this dream up and running.

In the meantime,  I'm holding babies…..watching calves stand up for the first time and petting every animal that rubs against my leg.  It's such a hard life, y'all.

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Oh and seeing weird sights like "birds" sitting on the porch of the town dentist office as I drive by.  I thought it was some beautiful creature….my hubby on the other hand, laughed his head off and called it a buzzard of some sort.  Hrmph!

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This isn't the best picture to identify him….but he is dark and fluffing his feathers right there as cars pass by.  Strange, right?

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The big Texas view never gets old.  This area in the back of the lodge is very close to being completed.  The stone (which you cannot see) is incredible!  The WOW just gets better every single day here.

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Soon, I will post pictures of some finished spaces.  

So….meanwhile, back at the ranch.

I'm doing everything except thinking of this —>

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